Annie O’Rourke Curriculum Vitae
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University
Winner, Painting Category, Moreton Bay Art Award, 2019
Winner, Milburn Prize, Brisbane Institute of Art, 2018
Highly Commended, Clayton Utz Art Award, 2018
Highly Commended, Milburn Art Prize, 2017
Griffith University Award for Academic Excellence in Fine Art, 2007-2009, 2016, 2017
People’s Choice Award, Brisbane Women’s Club Centenary Exhibition 2008
Selected Exhibitions
Work of Reclamation, Grey Street Gallery, South Bank, 2023
Finalist, Clayton Utz Art Award, 2021
Work of Reclamation, St Heliers' Gallery, Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne, 2021
DRAWN, Redland Art Gallery, 2021
Courting Time, POP Gallery, Brunswick St, Brisbane, 2020
Outer Space ARI Fundraising Auction, West End, 2019
TRACE 2019, various locations, West End, 2019
Finalist, Kennedy Art Prize, Adelaide, 2019
You can lead a horse to water, Grey Street Gallery, 2019
Finalist, Moreton Bay Art Award, 2019
FADED: Painting towards the invisible, POP Gallery, 2019
Self-Dissection, Grey Street Gallery, 2019
Finalist, Clayton Utz Art Award, 2018
Finalist, Redlands Konica Minolta Art Prize, Emerging Art category, National Art School Sydney, 2018
Finalist, Milburn Prize, Brisbane Institute of Art, 2018
Flat Share, Queensland College of Art, 2017
Finalist, Milburn Prize, Brisbane Institute of Art, 2017
Pulp, Queensland College of Art, 2010
20-10, Perth Galleries, Western Australia 2010
Fragile Nature, Brisbane Square Library Gallery, 2009
Tiny Worlds, Gallery Artisan (formerly Craft Queensland), 2009
Troika 7 Small Works, Norfolk, United Kingdom, 2009
Finalist, Moreton Bay Art Award, 2009
Artworkers Award, 2009
Finalist, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Art Prize 2008
ideas and images, Queensland College of Art, 2008
BARI (Brisbane Artist Run Initiatives) Festival, KILN gallery, 2008
We Make Good Pets, Metro Arts, 2008
Finalist, Churchie National Emerging Art Prize, 2008
Finalist, Pine Rivers Art Prize, 2008
Brisbane Women’s Club Centenary Exhibition, 2008
Finalist, Stanthorpe Art Prize Exhibition, 2008
Finalist, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Art Prize Exhibition, 2007
DRAWN, (co-curator Natalie Wood), Redland Art Gallery, 2021
Courting Time (co-curator Darcy Williams), POP Gallery, Brunswick St, 2020
Self-Dissection, (co-curator Natalie Wood, Alannah Dair and Vicky Satchwell), Grey St Gallery, 2019
Studio Residency, Outer Space ARI, Brisbane, 2019
MX Magazine 5 August, 2009
Paillon Summer 2010 – Journal of the Queensland Jewellers and Metalsmiths Group